
The monitoring tool aims at making it easy to collect and visualise data. Its key features are briefly introduced here.

Data collection

The monitoring tool features a simple interface to enter your answers over time, and invite co-respondents if you so wish. Along with the questions and response options you will find guidance text that explains the indicator, as well as links to related Human Rights Norms and standards.

Screenshot of data collection

Example from the Student Assessment domain.

Review function

Data validity is important. Let a colleague review your answers through the tool’s review function. The reviewer can comment on answers and mark them as accepted or in need of revision. When the review is finished, the assessment owner will be notified.

Invite function screenshoot

Screenshot from overview page where the user can invite co-respondents and reviewers

Print assessment

At all times, you can print the draft assessment as a PDF. This allows you to share it with others in your organisation, or to read it on paper instead of on the screen.

Printed assessment

Excerpt of an assessment printed as a PDF

Get a Final Report

When the assessment is finalized and approved by your reviewer, you can generate a final report. The final report summarizes your data in simple visualizations across the five domains and includes an overall index-score too. The overall index score illustrates the general integration of human rights education in the primary and secondary education systems,  and is meant to inspire dialogue on how to address gaps. Screenshot of final report

Excerpt of the final report

Contribute to an international data repository

Let your answers enter the Tool’s online data repository  and contribute to global dialogue and peer learning on human rights education. Or go to the Data Explorer or the index Explorer and learn about human rights education in other countries.