Data collected with the SDG 4.7 / Human Rights Education Monitoring Tool are available here. Read more below about how you can access country data and explore and compare data across regions and countries.

Data collection is ongoing, and as more users apply the tool, more country data will become available here.

Country data

The indicator tool has been piloted a couple of times by selected National Human Rights Institutions. Data from 2020 and 2021 is available here – click on a country below to see the summary reports.

The data explorer

Here you can see all answers, indicator by indicator, under each thematic domain, across submissions from different countries. You can filter the data by thematic domains, by region - or select specific countries. Data visualizations are available for each indicator, if you click on the blue ‘Show diagram’ button. You can also export data.

Go to the data explorer

The index explorer

Here you can compare the index scores for all submissions, across countries. The index scores are meant to provide an overview of how each country is doing in relation to the five thematic domains. 

Go to the index explorer

The data repository is still under development and will evolve as we learn from experiences. If you have any comments or input, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us, we appreciate feedback and collaboration.




Sille Stidsen

Chief adviser & programme manager
+45 91325609