Welcome to the SDG 4.7 / Human Rights Education Monitoring Tool

The SDG 4.7 / Human Rights Education Monitoring Tool is a tool for collecting data on progress in the human rights education elements of SDG target 4.7 and the UN World Programme for Human Rights Education (WPHRE).

Picture of simple checklist
  1. The Tool’s indicator framework is solidly based on human rights standards and methodologies and operationalises the OHCHR-UNESCO Self-Assessment Guide for Governments regarding Human Rights Education in Primary and Secondary School Systems.

    On this page you find an introduction to the key concepts applied in the tool, and some remarks on how to work with the data you generate when working with the tool.

    Use the menu on the right to access more detailed guidance on how to get started with your own assessment of the progress in implementing human rights education in your country.

    Introducing Key Concepts

    Human Rights Education

    The Tool is based on the definition is based on the definition of human rights education enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training.  Human rights education is here defined as:

    (a) Education about human rights, which includes providing knowledge and understanding of human rights norms and principles, the values that underpin them and the mechanisms for their protection;

    (b) Education through human rights, which includes learning and teaching in a way that respects the rights of both educators and learners;

    (c) Education for human rights, which includes empowering persons to enjoy and exercise their rights and to respect and uphold the rights of others.

    The choice of indicators in the assessment tool reflect this definition.

    Distinguishing between Explicit and Implicit Human Rights Education

    In the tool a distinction is made between human rights education with an explicit reference to human rights standards and mechanisms and more implicit forms of human rights education centred on human rights-related themes, for example global citizenship education, that may or may not include content on human rights standards.

    Human Rights Education at all levels

    The tool focuses on human rights education at the following education levels:  primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary (ISCED 1-3). It is important therefore in document reviews to examine data for all three levels and record responses separately in the respective fields in the tool.  There can be differences in the degree to which human rights education is integrated into the different levels.

    Using the data

    The data will in time be displayed at the global data repository at https://sdg47-hre.humanrights.dk/.  It will support global advocacy on human rights education and contribute to monitoring progress in implementation of the human rights education elements of SDG 4.7 and the related human rights obligations of states in this regard.

    The tool will also generate a country report that can be downloaded and serve to underpin further work at country level to promote implementation of human rights education. The report will include visualisation of the data entered to support communication with national stakeholders. The report can thus be used to communicate where gaps in national implementation of human rights education have been identified and advocate for addressing these gaps in national policy development. It can also be used as input to SDG and human rights monitoring and reporting processes.

    Should you have any questions regarding the use of the tool, please contact Kristina Helland Strandby (krst@humanrights.dk) or Sille Stidsen (sist@humanrights.dk).